Moisture content of food substances is an important test to check for the quality of the food.
Click Here for General Moisture Content Test
Objective of the Experiment
This experiment is carried out to determine the moisture content of coca cola (coke)
Materials and Equipments
1. A bottle of coke
2. Moisture cans
3. Desiccator
4. Hot air oven
5. Weighing balance
1. Dry a clean flat dish made of silica, platinum or any other suitable materials in an oven and cool in the desiccator are used.
2. Weigh the cool dish (W1).
3. Introduce and spread about 5 grams of the test substance into the dish and weigh accurately (W2).
4. Transfer the dish and its content into an air oven at 150˚C to dry for about 3hours.
5. Using a pair of thongs transfer the dish into a desiccators, allow cooling and weighing.
6. Return the dish into the oven for about half an hour and again cool in the desiccators and weigh. Repeat the process for constant weigh (W3).
Results and Calculations
The results are shown as tabulated below:

- Calculate the percentage of moisture as:
- The moisture content is calculated for the three samples and the average is taken
• The sample must be placed first in the muffle chamber before switching on the socket to prevent injury
• The sample should be placed in the desiccator after drying in the oven to prevent moisture absorption from the surrounding so as to not the sample absorb moisture.
Changes in the sample should stop after about three hours of drying, no additional changes should be observed in the sample.
Determination of Moisture Content in Coca Cola (0 downloads )